
Showing posts from March, 2021

Delete all Pages - Sharepoint Powershell

This post highlights how to remove all sub-sites or pages  permanently  from a specific SharePoint site collection/web using a PowerShell script.  Prerequisite     Before using the below script user needs admin-level access .    Change the site collection name as per your requirements. NOTE: Use Below Script and kindly pass the valid URLs/List Name to execute the script. Script: Add-PSSnapin  Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell  $site =Get-SPSite   - identity  < Your URL > $subSiteColl = $site.RootWeb.Webs; $subSites =@ () for ($i =   0 ;$i   -le   $subSiteColl.Count - 1 ;$i ++ ) {     $subSites   += $subSiteColl[$i]; } foreach ($subSite   in   $subSites){          $targetWeb =get-spweb   - identity  $subSite.URL;      $targetListGeneral = $targetWeb.lists[ " <List Name> " ];             if ($targetListGeneral){                    for ($x = $targetListGeneral.ItemCount - 1 ;$x   -ge   0 ;   $x -- )          {                   $item = $targetListGeneral.Items[$x];