
Showing posts from October, 2021

Send special characters with/without variable using HTTP action in power automate & save to sp list

This post is to demonstrate, how we can save strings with special characters I have explained 2 different ways to achieve it. Youtube video link Send HTTP Action Values: URI : _api/web/lists/GetByTitle('YourListName')/Items Body :  { "__metadata":{"type":"SP.Data.Items_x0020_To_x0020_be_x0020_ShippedListItem"}, "Title":"Almond", "City": "Mathura", "Phone":"965798389", "Password":"@$%*()(*pass" } 

How to Read and Create JSON Objects in Power Automate & Save to an Excel

working on: how we can create or parse an array of objects/json using expression and save parsed data to excel. You could save it to any data destination like SharePoint list etc kindly comment if you want a video on different data sources. Youtube #powerautomate #excel #expression #corporateprogramming kindly comment if you want a recorded video on any connector/action in power automate.

How to fix SP.Data.ListItem in Power Automate or Rest api

This post is about a common bug in power automate or Rest Api " SP.Data.Test2ListItem ". To get the correct  ListItemEntityTypeFullName or Term type of your SharePoint list then you can use the below JS function. Code: function getTermTypeofSPList(listName) { console.log(_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle ('"+listName+"')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName") } getTermTypeofSPList('Your list name') Steps to use It: Open your SharePoint site. Open developer tool by pressing F12. Navigate to the Console tab. Paste the above code. NOTE: Use your list name before calling the function as shown in the above script. Watch Video: Thank you!