How to Apply filter, Search and SortByColumn directly in Browse Gallery without a delegation warning in Power apps(data source: SharePoint list).
This post is to help you, how to get rid of delegation warnings in the Browse Gallery while filtering out the items from a SharePoint list without using any collection. There are multiple ways to overcome the 5000 records limit in power apps(will cover them in coming posts). Script : use the below script in the Items action of Browse Gallery. SortByColumns( Filter( [@Test],Department="HR" Or Department="IT", StartsWith( Title, TextSearchBox1.Text ) ), "Title", If( SortDescending1, Descending, Ascending ) ) For reference: Dry Run: The SortByColumns () function is to sort records alphabetically. Filter() this function is to retrieve only required items from an SP list. e.g. employees belong to IT or HR. After retrieving the required data, we are using the StartsWith() to Search records. Final Result: Use case Or Where I use...