
Send special characters with/without variable using HTTP action in power automate & save to sp list

This post is to demonstrate, how we can save strings with special characters I have explained 2 different ways to achieve it. Youtube video link Send HTTP Action Values: URI : _api/web/lists/GetByTitle('YourListName')/Items Body :  { "__metadata":{"type":"SP.Data.Items_x0020_To_x0020_be_x0020_ShippedListItem"}, "Title":"Almond", "City": "Mathura", "Phone":"965798389", "Password":"@$%*()(*pass" } 

How to Read and Create JSON Objects in Power Automate & Save to an Excel

working on: how we can create or parse an array of objects/json using expression and save parsed data to excel. You could save it to any data destination like SharePoint list etc kindly comment if you want a video on different data sources. Youtube #powerautomate #excel #expression #corporateprogramming kindly comment if you want a recorded video on any connector/action in power automate.

How to fix SP.Data.ListItem in Power Automate or Rest api

This post is about a common bug in power automate or Rest Api " SP.Data.Test2ListItem ". To get the correct  ListItemEntityTypeFullName or Term type of your SharePoint list then you can use the below JS function. Code: function getTermTypeofSPList(listName) { console.log(_spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle ('"+listName+"')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName") } getTermTypeofSPList('Your list name') Steps to use It: Open your SharePoint site. Open developer tool by pressing F12. Navigate to the Console tab. Paste the above code. NOTE: Use your list name before calling the function as shown in the above script. Watch Video: Thank you!

How to Apply filter, Search and SortByColumn directly in Browse Gallery without a delegation warning in Power apps(data source: SharePoint list).

This post is to help you, how to get rid of delegation warnings in the Browse Gallery while filtering out the items from a SharePoint list without using any collection.  There are multiple ways to overcome the 5000 records limit in power apps(will cover them in coming posts). Script : use the below script in the Items action of  Browse Gallery. SortByColumns( Filter( [@Test],Department="HR" Or Department="IT",       StartsWith( Title, TextSearchBox1.Text ) ), "Title", If( SortDescending1,       Descending, Ascending ) )   For reference: Dry Run: The SortByColumns () function is to sort records alphabetically.  Filter() this function is to retrieve only required items from an SP list. e.g. employees belong to IT or HR. After retrieving the required data, we are using the StartsWith() to Search records. Final Result: Use case Or Where I used it? I'm working on

Extract URLs from Hypertext in Excel

In this post, I will explain the process to extract hyperlinks from a text/hyperlinked text using VBA/macros.  Video : Click here to Watch Video. Follow the below steps: Open the Excel file and paste the hyperlinked text in the column first. Open view code window by holding alt+F11 . Paste the below code. Run the macro by using the "execute button" or by pressing F5 . In column B you will get the desired result. Code : Sub   ExtractHL ()      Dim   HL   As   Hyperlink      For   Each   HL   In   ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks          HL.Range. Offset ( 0 ,   1 ).Value   =   HL.Address      Next End   Sub  Thank you for reading the post!

Sharepoint Powershell - Delete all Items from a List on the Basis of Status

  This post is to explain the process of deleting all items from a list on the basis of the status (e.g. status= completed) using PowerShell script in Sharepoint. To use the below script add your list/library name e.g. $docName=”<your list/library name>” and your SharePoint site/web address e.g.  $web = Get-SPWeb <your site/web address> Script: Add-PSSnapin  Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell  $web   =   Get-SPWeb  <your site/web Url> $docName = " <list/library display name> " $list   =   $web.lists   |   where   {$ _ .title   -eq   $docName} for ($x = $list.ItemCount - 1 ;$x   -ge   0 ;   $x -- ) {           $item = $list.Items[$x];           if ($item[ " Status " ]   -eq   " COMPLETED " )      {       Write-Host   " Deleting item id "   $item.ID       $item.Delete();                       } } $list.Update();

Delete all Pages - Sharepoint Powershell

This post highlights how to remove all sub-sites or pages  permanently  from a specific SharePoint site collection/web using a PowerShell script.  Prerequisite     Before using the below script user needs admin-level access .    Change the site collection name as per your requirements. NOTE: Use Below Script and kindly pass the valid URLs/List Name to execute the script. Script: Add-PSSnapin  Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell  $site =Get-SPSite   - identity  < Your URL > $subSiteColl = $site.RootWeb.Webs; $subSites =@ () for ($i =   0 ;$i   -le   $subSiteColl.Count - 1 ;$i ++ ) {     $subSites   += $subSiteColl[$i]; } foreach ($subSite   in   $subSites){          $targetWeb =get-spweb   - identity  $subSite.URL;      $targetListGeneral = $targetWeb.lists[ " <List Name> " ];             if ($targetListGeneral){                    for ($x = $targetListGeneral.ItemCount - 1 ;$x   -ge   0 ;   $x -- )          {                   $item = $targetListGeneral.Items[$x];