Us Time Handle

let newDate;

// 1. Determine User's Time Zone (if possible)
if (langCode) {
  try {
    newDate = moment.utc(date).tz(langCode);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error converting date to user's time zone:", error);
    // Handle the error (e.g., use UTC time or display an error message)
} else {
  // 2. Handle Unknown Time Zone (improved heuristic)
  const offset = moment.utc(date).utcOffset() / 60; // Get UTC offset in hours

  // Consider a mapping of offsets to time zones (replace with your data)
  const timeZoneMapping = {
    '-4': 'US/Eastern', // Eastern Time (DST)
    '-7': 'US/Pacific',  // Pacific Time (DST)
    // Add other time zones as needed

  const potentialTimeZone = timeZoneMapping[offset.toString()];
  if (potentialTimeZone) {
    newDate = moment.utc(date).tz(potentialTimeZone);
  } else {
    // Handle cases where no matching offset is found
    console.warn("Unknown user time zone, using UTC:", date);
    newDate = moment.utc(date); // Use UTC as a fallback

// 3. Ensure DST Applied (heuristics)
if (newDate.isBefore(moment.utc().tz(newDate.zoneName()))) {
  newDate = newDate.add(1, 'hour'); // Adjust for potential DST if before current time

const formattedDate = newDate.format('MMMM Do, YYYY');

console.log("Formatted date:", formattedDate); 


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